Fixed Assets

Unlock Financial Prosperity with Fixed Assets Management!

Asset Assignment

Assign assets to custodians, employees, locations, branches, projects, departments, and cost centers to ensure accountability.

Compliance Tracking

Integrated regulatory compliance establishes a centralized data source for finance, using historical data to reinforce established guidelines.

Repair & Maintenance Tracking

Efficiently manage repair requests to minimize equipment downtime and extend equipment life within warranty coverage.

Service Contract Tracking

Stay prepared for timely service contract renewals with reminders as contract end dates approach.

Insurance Policies Tracking

Maintain an updated asset register to potentially reduce premiums and ease the claims process.

Assets Auditing

Maintain accurate financial records for fixed assets, exceeding audit regulations for better control.

Ticketing & Helpdesk

Offer timely assistance and resolve issues promptly by defining and publishing service level commitments.

Document Attachment

Attach photos, manuals, invoices, warranties, or service cards to equipment for quicker troubleshooting.

Software License Management

Control and document software license usage to reduce fees and prevent unauthorized usage.

Full Lifecycle History

Store comprehensive asset information and financial history for informed business decision-making.

Lease Contract Management

Easily manage leasing details, including lease codes, accrual dates, and related asset information.

Check-Out & Returns

Track asset movements by updating the asset register with details of issuance and return.

Asset Bundling

Group assets and components for easy identification and accurate depreciation allocation.

Managing Non-Capitalized Assets

Maintain an inventory of non-capitalized assets in the central asset register for effective control.

Instant Access

Access a vast database from multiple devices for enhanced efficiency and speed at your fingertips.